Archive for August, 2006

Separated At Birth?

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Here are two pictures of two psychopaths, Omeed Aziz Popal, the Muslim terrorist who went on a hit-and-run killing spree, and Bashar Assad, the nutjob dictator of Syria. Check out the hideous resemblence. Did these two spawn from the same uterus? Omeed Aziz Popal. Bashar Assad. By now you’ve likely heard the story of Omeed […]

MIT’s Inconvenient Scientist

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

(Hat tip: powerline) It is heresy for a scientist to question politician Al Gore’s inquisition known as “Global Warming”, yet many scientists refuse to be silenced despite the name-calling and lawsuits (yes, lawsuits). These facts make today’s Boston Globe article, “MIT’s inconvenient scientist”, a very important read for those rare individuals and scientists who still […]

Friday Night Jokes

Friday, August 25th, 2006

How about a little humor for something different on a Friday evening. Here’s one from our good friend, GPBurdell, called “Involuntary Muscular Contractions”. A Professor was giving a lecture on “Involuntary Muscular Contractions” to his first year medical students. Realizing that this was not the most riveting subject, the Professor decided to lighten the mood […]

Islam and Rape 101

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Pakistani Christian activists of the Human Friends Organization chant slogans against the Hadood Ordinances during a protest in Lahore, June 2006. Pakistani opposition lawmakers walked out of federal parliament in protest at government proposed amendments to Islamic rape laws. (AFP/File/Arif Ali) (Hat tip: little green footballs) I don’t know what these women, I mean dressed-up […]

Steyn on Coulter: Democrat Human Shields Exposed

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

(Hat tip: Lucianne) Read Mark Steyn’s article about how Ann Coulter’s controversial book (Godless: The Church of Liberalism) has finally exposed the Democrat’s childlike strategy of “irreproachable biography” thus rendering said strategy impotent and silly. This review was written last month, and those who closely follow Ann Coulter may have heard this point before; however, […]

A Law Unto Herself

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

(Hat tip: Today’s New York Times has a devastating critique of Judge Anna Diggs Taylor’s “opinion” last week against the NSA wiretaps. The guest op-ed by University of Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse, “A Law Unto Herself”, rips Taylor’s “reasoning” or lack thereof and points out that this opinion simply can’t be taken seriously. […]

Shamnesty International

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

The once respected organization, Amnesty International, has issued a “report” — “Israel/Lebanon: Evidence indicates deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure” — that accuses Israel of “war crimes” by defending herself against Hezbollah aggression. Go read their report, and you’ll find many of the same, tired arguments that Al Reuters and other biased, hoodwinked media organizations have […]

Point of no Return?

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

“Point of no Return?” is the title of today’s essay by Thomas Sowell. Sowell explains why the Islamic fascist terrorists are an enemy unlike any Western civilization has ever faced, and how we seem oblivious to this reality. This is not just another in the long history of military threats. The Soviet Union, despite […]

For Bush, It’s September 10 Again

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Notice how the Bush administration’s carrot-dangling to the madman in Iran and even to Nasrallah of Hezbollah smells a lot like the pre-9/11 mentality? Mark Steyn has noticed also. If you go back to September 2001, it’s amazing how much the administration made happen in just a short space of time: For example, within days […]

Down but not Out

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

Dear readers: We lost a harddrive in our main, blogging computer, so today we’ve been focusing on repair. Keep coming back — we’ll be back up to full-bloggin’ speed in a few hours, and there’s a lot of crazy stuff (like the United Nations and the “French Military”) that need to be ridiculed. Thanks-a-bunch […]

Anna Diggs a Hole

Friday, August 18th, 2006

(Scroll for updates) OK, I am not a lawyer, but I can’t help but note a trend, by lawyers, regarding Judge Anna Diggs Taylor’s pathetic reasoning in the NSA case. Here’s what Scott at powerline has to say: Anyone who knows what legal analysis and legal argument look like — anyone who knows the requisites […]

Message of the Day

Friday, August 18th, 2006

No Benefit in Denying the UGLY Reality

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

Paul at powerline has compiled a list of comments from yesterday’s William Bennett radio show that itemize the ugly truth about the US blunder in forcing Israel to withdraw from Lebanon. There can be no doubt: Hezbollah won this confrontation and is emboldened militarily, politically, in the Middle East and around the world. As if […]

Mohammad Cartoons, Revisited

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

See our original post (with updates) on the Mohammad cartoons. Today’s vent with Michelle Malkin is about the six month anniversary of the Mohammad Cartoons fiasco. Michelle’s re-cap is excellent whether you’re a cartoon veteran or a newbie. She replays two, significant videos from the heat of the controversy that really summed it up. Don’t […]

War with Mullahs is Coming

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

(HT: powerline) Writing in today’s New York Post, Arthur Herman has a grim analysis of where we go from here now that the US has forced Israel to cut-and-run from Lebanon in what is generally agreed to be a victory for Hezbollah and Iran. His article, “The Mideast’s Munich — War with Mullahs is Coming”, […]

British Muslims bait hook and cast

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

How long before American Muslims take a page out of this playbook? How stupid do people have to be to fall for this, but as the old saying goes, “It never hurts to ask.” Muslims call for special bank holidays Muslim leaders summoned to talks with the Government on tackling extremism in their midst called […]

Nasrallah: Not so Fast.

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

(Video kindly supplied by: Here’s a video of Hezbollah grand poobah, Hassan Nasrallah basically saying that now is not the time to talk about disarming the Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon since they may have to “defend” Lebanon against the US and Israeli “invaders”. He was for the cease fire before he was against […]

Hey hey, ho ho, we support the PLO

Monday, August 14th, 2006

Wow. This is really sick. Check out hotair’s coverage of this past weekend’s pro-Hezbollah rallies. First, Michelle and company sort out the relationships between ANSWER, the Muslim American Society, the International Action Center (IAC), and the Workers World Party (WWP). What a bunch of socialist, nut job comrades. Birds of a feather and all that. […]

Think Globally, Act Globally

Monday, August 14th, 2006

Have you read Mark Steyn’s commentary on the British terrorism bust? If not, please check it out. As is typical of Steyn’s writings, you don’t want to miss this one. Steyn starts with yet-another-ludicrous assertion by Al-Reuters: “Here’s how an early report by Reuters covered the massive terrorism bust in the United Kingdom.” “Britain has […]

Toronto: More Home-Grown Terror

Monday, August 14th, 2006

(Hat tip: the always informative little green footballs) Earlier, we discussed this past weekend’s pro-Hezbollah rallies in Washington, San Francisco and Toronto. Here’s a couple of blog reports and pictures from the Toronto rally courtesy of and By all means, check out their coverage. You need to know the degree of support that […]