Archive for June, 2005

Righteousness comes cheap

Thursday, June 30th, 2005

In Righteousness comes cheap Jonathan Tobin elaborates on how the goals of the Live 8 concerts — forgiveness of debt and the pouring in of money to Africa — will not, in fact, eliminate poverty on the continent. But, results don’t matter when you measure success by how warm and fuzzy you feel. Tobin concludes: […]

Mr. M

Wednesday, June 29th, 2005

Today on the Sean Hannity show, guest hosted by Scott Hennen, the two oldest children of Mr. M talked about their recent arrival in the United States from Iraq. Who is Mr. M? You can read his story here. The story of Mr. M, his family, and the soldiers they befriended and aided is amazing. […]

Oogle at Google

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

Dear, You are my favorite company. Thank you for putting KeyHole online for free as Google Earth. I Love You.

If It’s Broke, Please Fix It!

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

The Democrats in Congress try to create the perception that they are the political party that best represents the poor. There is some truth to that claim. They want everybody to be poor when they retire in the future by doing nothing today. Surely, that quote is enough to tease you into reading Save The […]

Legalized Theft

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

Finally, in a coda, the Court suggests that property owners should turn to the States, who may or may not choose to impose appropriate limits on economic development takings. Ante, at 19. This is an abdication of our responsibility. States play many important functions in our system of dual sovereignty, but compensating for our refusal […]

Our Sorry Enemies

Saturday, June 18th, 2005

Victor Davis Hanson’s latest essay, The Sorry Bunch is worth a read if only for the list of quotes from the jihadists who, in their zeal, brag and fret about their current love affair with America. Interesting quotes, but nothing surprising if you’re paying attention. Hanson then reflects on it all and notes this: Free-thinking […]

So true

Thursday, June 16th, 2005

I just heard this on the Rush Limbaugh show: I’d rather be a koran in Gitmo than a bible in Saudi Arabia. I don’t know if it’s a quote or an original, but I couldn’t agree more.

Amnesty Insanity

Wednesday, June 15th, 2005

The reaction of Amnesty International over the treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo marks the tragic descent of a once respectable, International organization into the sewer of jihad-loving anti-Americanism. By comparing the treatment of Gitmo prisoners to those in Soviet Gulag’s, AI has trivialized it’s entire mission and discredited the whole organization. This is bad news […]

Jobs on jobs

Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

Wired reports on Apple-brain Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement speech. Naturally, he had some interesting anecdotes: “Your time is limited so don’t let it be wasted living someone else’s life,” Jobs said to a packed stadium of graduates, alumni and family. . . . Jobs, 50, said he attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon but […]

Funny Kitties

Thursday, June 9th, 2005

How about something funny, for a change? I love cats, but they can be so funny. Let’s see if you agree. First, I saw this video clip on Neal Boortz’s website this morning which caused me to laugh very hard. I hope the cat is ok. Then, a co-worker showed me this video of funny […]

More on Gonzales v. Raich

Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

The Washington Post has this editorial today on the Supreme’s dangerous ruling in Gonzales v. Raich. It concludes, And let no one be deluded that the democratic preference of America’s largest state isn’t being trampled here. We didn’t support the California medical marijuana ballot initiative at issue in Raich. But a clear majority of Californians […]

Cure is Worse than the Disease

Tuesday, June 7th, 2005

In all aspects — criminal, economic, cultural, sociological, judicial — the War on Drugs is taking a toll that goes far beyond drugs, the people who use them, and their families. One day the “War on Drugs” will be recognized as the poster child for “The Cure is Worse than the Disease”. Bill Buckley and […]

Play to Win

Monday, June 6th, 2005

Play to Win is Herman Cain’s message to the Republican party on Social Security and Tax reform. On these two issues, I couldn’t agree with him more. Now is the time to sieze the opportunity to fix these horrendous messes! Please. Cain says, The Republicans claim that the Democrats have no plan to address the […]

Watergate Opened

Friday, June 3rd, 2005

And so it turns out that the two most famous investigative reporters of all time were a pair of stenographers for an FBI hack who was ratting out President Nixon for passing him over as director. That corrupt cop, Mark Felt, should be named co-winner of the 1973 Pulitzer Prize given to The Washington Post. […]