Archive for January, 2011


Friday, January 7th, 2011

Don’t miss Charles Krauthammer’s article in today’s National Review, Constitutionalism: Americans are in the midst of a great national debate over the power, scope, and reach of the government established by that document. The debate was sparked by the current administration’s bold push for government expansion — a massive fiscal stimulus, Obamacare, financial regulation, and […]

Obamacare = Crony Socialism

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Karl Rove had an excellent article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, ObamaCare Rewards Friends, Punishes Enemies. The article details how the implementation of Obamacare is rife with waivers for unions, overreaching Federal control of insurance rates (typically the regulatory turf of the States), payoffs to the AARP, and more. John at powerline rightly calls this […]