Archive for April, 2006

Zarqawi On the Run

Saturday, April 29th, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida’s leader in Iraq. — AP Photo / via IntelCenter (Hat tip: Michelle) With any luck, our next post will read, “Zarqawi Killed!” Before we get ahead of ourselves, check out an article from The Marine Corps Times regarding our pursuit of Zarqawi. Just nine days before al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu […]

southchild has been down…sorry

Friday, April 28th, 2006

UPDATE: John at has this note: As most readers no doubt know, our site has been down for most of the day due to a denial of service attack on our hosting service, Hosting Matters. The attack apparently was carried out by jihadists in Saudi Arabia. We’re not sure who the target of the […]

Republican Oil Spill

Thursday, April 27th, 2006

The Senate Republicans may just be hopeless. Their bill’s provision to remedy gas prices by writing everyone a $100 check is like bad parenting. Hell, I feel like they’re trying to pay me off. What’s next? I’ll need at least $2500 in order to “forgive” the feds unwillingness to enforce immigration laws and protect the […]

Professor to Moslem Student Association: Screw You

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Professor Indrek Wichman speaks up to Muslim goons. You know it’s going to be a good week with a discovery like this: another American college professor with testicles has been located — Michigan State University professor of mechanical engineering, Indrek Wichman. He wrote the following letter to the local Moslem Student Association: Dear Moslem Association: […]

Congrats, Courtney

Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

UGA Gymdog Courtney Kupets wins big in Corvalis, OR, at the NCAA Championships (photo: Diane Cebula/ABH) Congratulations to UGA Gymdog freshman sensation Courtney Kupets on three, incredible days of gymnastics excellence. Coach Yoculan had this to say: “Three in three days. We’ve had national champions before, but not ones who have performed three days in […]


Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

Thanks, powerline, for alerting us to A cultured Democrat. Rep. Alan Mollohan, the top Democrat on the House ethics committee, is off the panel in light of reports that he steered millions of dollars to nonprofit groups in his district — with much of the money going to organizations run by people who contribute to […]

UGA Gym Dogs Win National Championship

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

ABH article: The Georgia gymnastics team begins celebrating its second straight and seventh overall national championship. (photo: Diane Cebula/ABH) (UPDATE: has this story and recap of the championship. Also, we have an update from HR below) *** Congratulations to the UGA Women’s Gym Dogs for winning the 2006 NCAA Championship! This is the seventh […]

More on the Georgia Jihadists

Saturday, April 22nd, 2006

Today’s AJC has more specific information on the activities of the two Georgians accused of supporting terrorists organizations (which we first reported here. The AJC article, Path traced in suspects’ terror case, by Bill Torpy and Jeremy Redmon, details the travels of the young men to Canada where they met with like-minded Islamists, identified US […]

Georgia Jihadists?

Friday, April 21st, 2006

UPDATE: Our article tracking domestic incidents of Islamic terrorist attacks and supporters, “Jihad: Battlefield America”, has been updated to include this story on Ahmed and Sadequee. Check it out. *** AJC Caption:Syed Ahmed, 21, was charged with helping a terrorist group. The FBI believes he attended a training camp in Pakistan last year, sources say. […]

Harry Potter at risk in Georgia Schools

Thursday, April 20th, 2006

Today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution has this story, Hearing to vanish Potter set for today, on a hearing today in the Gwinnet County government school system to debate censoring the Harry Potter novels from the school system’s libraries. From the article: A Gwinnett County school board hearing on whether to remove the Harry Potter series from […]

Georgia to Illegal Immigrants: Take Note

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Today, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue signed “The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act” into law. Reuters has this piece, “Georgia governor signs sweeping immigration law”: ATLANTA (Reuters) – The state of Georgia approved a sweeping measure on Monday to crack down on illegal immigrants and the people who hire them as a passionate debate on […]

Ann Coulter — Hilarious!

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Sunday is Steak Day, and as I crumpled up sheets of flagpole for my chimney starter, I noticed an article on none other than Ann Coulter. Given flagpole’s shameless leftism, a remotely objective article on Ann Coulter is a refreshment. I tore off that page and stuffed it in my pocket, and when I read […]

Democrats: Illegals Welcome!

Monday, April 10th, 2006

Despite the frustrating debate over illegal immigration, there is ONE thing that is polished-crystal clear: The Democratic Party is the party for illegal immigrants. Do they know the difference between legal and illegal immigration? Hell, yes! Do the care? Hell, no. The only party opposing this madness is the Republican Party. A disappointed libertarian, I […]

Cynthia: Fifth Time’s a Charm

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

One of those staring into the mirror moments Cynthia McKinney is “serving” her sixth term in Congress, and this is her fifth fight with Washington security personnel. So, she’s down by one, but I wouldn’t bet against her. Consider “Rep. McKinney has 5th run-in with security”: WASHINGTON, March 30 (UPI) — For the fifth time […]

Cynthia McKinney: Victim for Life

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

Once again, Cynthia McKinney grabs the National spotlight and displays the Southern charm that got her elected. click for source Cynthia is hard at work making Georgians proud. Also Monday, black preachers, elected officials and activists in Atlanta cited McKinney’s recent run-in with Capitol police as an example of racial profiling and called what happened […]

Australia: Tough and Standing Firm

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

Today we have Mark Steyn illuminating clear thoughts in a cloudy world…Don’t deny that some Muslims are hot for jihad sums a lot up without using calculus. He also points out how supportive, consistent, and honest Australia has been in the War on Islamic Terrorism. Well, OK, half the anti-war crowd aren’t meant to be […]