Saturday, April 22nd, 2006 8:11 pm by NealThanks, powerline, for alerting us to A cultured Democrat.
Rep. Alan Mollohan, the top Democrat on the House ethics committee, is off the panel in light of reports that he steered millions of dollars to nonprofit groups in his district — with much of the money going to organizations run by people who contribute to his campaigns — and indications that his own net worth sky-rocketed in the process. This development, of course, is a potential set-back for Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats campaigning on the “culture of corruption” theme. Mollohan was, after all, the House Dems top ethics guy. But don’t expect to hear much abour him and his troubles from the MSM.
It’s time to rename Washington, DC to a title more accurately describing its culture. We propose Corruptopia.