Ann Coulter — Hilarious!
Monday, April 17th, 2006 10:30 am by NealSunday is Steak Day, and as I crumpled up sheets of flagpole for my chimney starter, I noticed an article on none other than Ann Coulter.
Given flagpole’s shameless leftism, a remotely objective article on Ann Coulter is a refreshment. I tore off that page and stuffed it in my pocket, and when I read it later, I was pleasantly surprised: this piece is a well-written, funny expose on an Ann Coulter appearance on a college campus (post pie attack).
In the article, “In Your Heart You Know She’s Right — Ann Coulter Gets Fair And Balanced At FSU”, Ann has the following wonderful witticisms:
- She continues ripping into Air America, joking that their new motto is “Two hundred-plus listeners can’t be wrong.â€
- Clinton’s presidential library is “the first to have an adults-only section.â€
- On the subject of Democrats’ much-lamented problem of getting their message out, she says, “Gee, I wonder why those ‘I Heart Partial-Birth Abortion’ T-shirts aren’t selling?â€
- She calls Barbara Boxer the perfect Democratic candidate: “She’s female and mentally handicapped.â€
- “If the Democrats want to stick to the middle of the road, why do they still support Ted Kennedy? Didn’t he have trouble sticking to the middle of the road?â€
The author, Katherine Burgess, is a UGA graduate “and first year MFA student in creative writing at Florida State University.” While I don’t recommend Katherine’s drinking game, her reporting on Ann’s appearance is well-done and entertaining.