Archive for February, 2005

One Giant Step for Lebanon

Monday, February 28th, 2005

“Out of concern that the government does not become an obstacle to the good of the country, I announce the resignation of the government I had the honor to lead,” Karami said in a brief statement. “May God preserve Lebanon.” This quote comes to us today from Lebanese Prime Minister Omar Karami on his resignation […]

Supreme’s to decide if Property Rights still exist

Monday, February 28th, 2005

In Sunday’s Boston Globe, columnist Jeff Jacoby comments on last weeks Supreme Court arguments in “Kelo v. City of New London” in Will court curb eminent domain?. At issue is whether the Fifth Amendment’s “Public Use” clause for seizing private property — eminent domain — is legal solely on increased tax revenue realized by handing […]

Bush back from imploding Europe

Sunday, February 27th, 2005

Mark Steyn’s column in today’s The Chicago-Sun Times U.S. can sit back and watch Europe implode, is filled, in typical Steyn fashion, with wit and insight on the President’s trip to Europe and the future of the continent. He concludes with this gem: Until the shape of the new Europe begins to emerge, there’s no […]

cooking collards, southern style

Sunday, February 27th, 2005

Yesterday, before the rain arrived, I pulled up the last of my row of Fall/Winter collard plants. For about one dollars worth of seed, I grew eighty feet of these hardy and tasty plants, and my family and friends have enjoyed the succulent leaves continuously since October. Even with temperatures in the mid-teen’s, these plants […]

Welcome to

Sunday, February 27th, 2005

Welcome to! We hope this site is informative and entertaining, and that our readers will learn some things that they didn’t know and perhaps be challenged to think about the issues that we raise. We hope that you visit often.