“Government School Quality” Health Care
Tuesday, May 27th, 2008 4:58 pm by NealTo imagine how horrific the US medical system would be under a Hillary or Obama socialized medicine scheme (we know they don’t like to call it that, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…), consider this story from our lucky neighbors up in Canada, where a woman in the Toronto Western Hospital spent five days on a stretcher in ER waiting on medical attention:
Mark Degasperis was furious his mother spent five days on a stretcher at Toronto Western Hospital waiting for a room with 25 patients ahead of her — until the Toronto Sun made a call and she was suddenly moved to a room yesterday.
“They were giving us the same old song and dance why she was in the emergency department with only a sheet draped around her. I couldn’t even call her because she didn’t have a phone,” Degasperis of Georgetown said.
Heather Degasperis, 60, has a dangerous bacterial condition and was sent by her doctor to Toronto Western because it has the experts for her condition.
“She is not well and wasn’t able to sleep and she wasn’t getting any better. She needed peace and quiet to sleep.
“This is a terrible environment. I suggested taking her to another hospital, but we were told there are long waits across the region and the doctors we need are here. So there was nothing we could do,” Degasperis said yesterday.
“I’m angry we pay such high taxes and the more money we throw at the health care system the worse it gets. People shouldn’t be lined up on stretchers in the emergency department. If you are sick you should get a room.”
Because of patient confidentiality laws, the hospital isn’t able to comment on patients, so it is unclear if Degasperis’s mother jumped the line because the Sun made a call.
Imagine the horror if our government hospitals worked as poorly as our government schools! Would any American want to turn their health care over to such an incompetent, bumbling bureaucracy? Take a second look at this quote from the article:
“I’m angry we pay such high taxes and the more money we throw at the health care system the worse it gets. People shouldn’t be lined up on stretchers in the emergency department. If you are sick you should get a room.”
“The more money we throw at the health care system the worse it gets.” That sounds exactly like a description of the current state of America’s government schools. It would be crazy to create a government-controlled health care system that fails as miserably as our government school system. Are we crazy?