Thurgood Marshall College — Garbage U.
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 3:07 pm by Neal(Hat tip: powerline)
Writing at the “Minding the Campus” blog, Edgar B. Anderson has an incredible interview with a student at Thurgood Marshall College (UCSD), University Of The Absurd.
The student tells the story of a required course for all first year students entitled “Dimensions of Culture” which is a social-science sequence encompassing three quarters, or roughly 40% of a freshman’s entire course load. The interview contains details of the courses which are, in a word, unbelievable. This is pure, unadulterated brainwashing. We don’t understand how a college can mandate, at significant expense no less, such propaganda without a backlash of outrage among parents and students.
Edgar B. Anderson: So let’s talk about Dimensions of Culture. That’s vague. What’s that mean?
Student: I don’t know. Each quarter, the first quarter is called Diversity, the second quarter is called Justice, and the third quarter is called Imagination. So Diversity is we studied everything about minorities – like women, homosexuals, and then Asians, blacks, Latinos.
Q. So what’s left out – white males?
A. Yeah, pretty much if you’re a white male you’re bad, that’s kind of the joke among all the students.
Q. Women are not even a minority, they’re a majority.
A. But it’s more about the workforce.
Q. Power.
A. Yeah, that’s kind of how they presented it. We didn’t really focus on women that much. It was mainly how Asians have been oppressed in history and how Latinos continue to be oppressed and how blacks continue to be oppressed, all of that.Q. Is there any mention of how successful Asians are in the culture?
A. They say that it’s a stereotype because whites have labeled Asians as smart in order to put down black people.
Q. And how about Latin Americans now?
A. That we also put them down…
Q. So this is your Diversity class.
A. Yeah, that was Diversity.
Q. Justice.
A. I liked that quarter best because all it was about were Supreme Court cases like affirmative action and Brown v. Board… My teaching assistant, who you have in discussions twice a week, was crazy. I remember one day she was talking about how there should be affirmative action in terms of who becomes a Fortune 500 CEO and that they should require that a certain percent of all CEOs in Fortune 500 companies be women. I said I disagree, “Who’s to say that a woman is going to be a better CEO than a man? Let’s be honest, you know, a lot of women don’t become CEOs because most women choose to not work as much ’cause you have no life if you’re a CEO to raise a family or anything.” But she said, “How can you be a woman and think that? That’s totally wrong. That’s what’s wrong with women in our society because we need affirmative action to get ahead.” She was unbelievable.
When we talked about investment bankers and people who worked in finance… she said, “Well, I hate investment bankers anyway, I hate them, I hate their whole attitude.” And she went on and on how they’re terrible people…
Q. So Imagination. What is that?
A. I really don’t know. I had no idea what was going on in that class. And even the TA said she had no idea what it was about…
Here’s a part of the interview where the student exhibited independent thought and disagreed with the instructor over a Supreme Court case. Actually, the student was correct about the judgment of the case; nonetheless, the instructor wasn’t persuaded by these facts:
A. I guess what annoyed me most about this class is that they said that it was, you know, everyone can have their opinion, you’re really entrusted in like learning, but if you said anything against what they thought, they were mean. And I remember on my paper I wrote about the Supreme Court case that dealt with Seattle [racial quotas] in which I said that it’s unconstitutional, which is what the Supreme Court decided, I literally spent an hour arguing with my TA before I turned it in because she said, “I think you’re wrong.”
Q. And you wrote that it was unconstitutional to do what?
A. The Seattle case was about having quotas for different races going to high school. They presented it as only white people were upset about it and never talked about how minorities were just as upset … but so yeah, I spent an hour, and she finally was like, “Okay, we’ll agree to disagree. I don’t agree with what you’re saying, I think it is constitutional.” So I turned in the paper, I get an A, and she writes on my paper, “Just so you know, I still think you’re wrong.” It was supposed to be a persuasive essay or argumentative, and I wanted to say, “Aren’t you supposed to be grading on how I’m arguing, not on my opinions?” It was ridiculous. I didn’t learn to write at all in that class. You had to write pretty much what they wanted, or you had to go and fight for an hour. And I’m sure she just knew that she couldn’t give me a B-, or else I’d have gone and complained. So I was just disgusted by it and that she was just so rude.
The existence of this absurd, required course proves Thurgood Marshall College is no institution of higher learning but is instead an indoctrination center for radical leftist crap. Even California should be ashamed of financing this garbage. The entire interview is here.