NARAL pulls blatantly false ad

Friday, August 12th, 2005 9:03 am by Neal

This morning, Fox News is reporing that NARAL is withdrawing its false ad against Judge John Roberts. That’s a very mild way of saying that the abortion rights advocacy group has been caught in an embarrassing lie and is now recanting.

NARAL president Nancy Keenan, in a letter to RINO (Republican In Name Only) Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, confirmed that the lie had “become a distraction from the serious discussion we hoped to have with the American public”. Well, what do you know!

Specter, himself an abortion-rights supporter as well as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that will question Roberts next month, earlier Thursday had called the ad “blatantly untrue and unfair.”

The NARAL ad criticizes Roberts and links him with violent anti-abortion protesters because of the anti-abortion briefs he worked on as a government lawyer.

“The NARAL advertisement is not helpful to the pro-choice cause which I support,” Specter said in a letter to Keenan.

Here’s hoping that NARAL has learned the lesson that lying simply doesn’t pay.

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