Thursday, February 16th, 2006 11:28 am by Neal

Ann Coulter is at it again, this time with MUSLIM BITES DOG in which she points out that, with respect to the Muhammad cartoon violence, “So it’s not exactly a scoop that Muslims are engaging in violence. A front-page story would be ‘Offended Muslims Remain Calm’.” Heh. Coulter also points out that Syrian complicity in the burning of the Danish embassy obligates NATO to respond:

Perhaps we could put aside our national, ongoing, post-9/11 Muslim butt-kissing contest and get on with the business at hand: Bombing Syria back to the stone age and then permanently disarming Iran.

In addition, I believe we are legally required to be bombing Syria right now. And unlike the Quran’s alleged prohibition on depictions of Muhammad, I’ve got documentation to back that up!

McClellan said: “We will hold Syria responsible for such violent demonstrations since they do not take place in that country without government knowledge and support.”

We are signatories to a treaty that requires us to do more than “hold Syria responsible” for this attack. Syria has staged a state-sponsored attack on our NATO partner on Danish soil, the Danish embassy. According to the terms of the NATO treaty, the United States and most of Europe have an obligation to go to war with Syria.

Or is NATO — like the conventions of civilized behavior, personal hygiene and grooming — inapplicable when Muslims are involved? Liberals complain about “unilateral action,” but under the terms of a treaty created by Dean Acheson and the Democrats, France, Germany, Spain and Greece are all obliged to go to war with us against Syria. Why, it’s almost like a coalition! OK, Mr. Commie: Saddle up!

There’s more, like her comments on Iranian jihad monkey, Holocaust-denying Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Don’t miss it.

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