Potomac Math
Monday, August 1st, 2011 2:28 pm by mikeinvaldostaCompromise is an American politician’s preferred method of calculating. The hard science of math has no room for emotion in its results. 1 + 1 always equals 2. It is a provable scientific fact. It is also too rigid and limiting for a politician. Therefore math must also be compromised. Like principles, there is no place for hard and rigid rules in Washington; therefore scientific math has been replaced by the math of compromise.
Take, for example, the “History making compromise” President Obama made with Republicans, or vice versa depending upon one’s perspective, there is no actual decline in spending.
The saddest part of Washington’s compromised math is the complete and utter support it receives from the press. The very press the Founding Fathers sought to protect in the Constitution. The very press the Founding Fathers expected to keep politicians honest and in check. The very press that is currently throwing a hissy fit due to the suggestions government’s growth be slowed, not halted, not cut.
It is no wonder Fox News has nearly eclipsed all of its competitors combined.