Sir Edmund Goldking

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007 3:24 pm by Neal
Hillary Clinton shows her “true colors” on the campaign trail.

Don’t miss Robert Novak’s article, “Hillary, King and Goldwater,” on Hillary’s latest lie about her past. Remember in 1995 when Hillary lied that her mom named her after Sir Edmund Hillary? Once again, Hillary shows her disdain of historical time lines with a lie as ridiculous as that one and proves that she — more than Bill — is the consummate pander bear who will say, do, and be anything in order to get elected.

This recent lie was a bonus: it came during the Selma, AL speech that featured Clinton’s hilarious botched imitation of a “Southerner.”

Speaking at Selma’s First Baptist Church on the 42nd anniversary of the “bloody Sunday” freedom march there, Sen. Clinton declared: “As a young girl [age 16], I had the great privilege of hearing Dr. King speak in Chicago. The year was 1963. My youth minister from our church took a few of us down on a cold January night to hear [King]. . . . And he called on us, he challenged us that evening to stay awake during the great revolution that the civil rights pioneers were waging on behalf of a more perfect union.”

Young Hillary Rodham answered that challenge the next year as the 17-year-old class president at Maine East High School in the Chicago suburbs. She described herself in her memoirs as “an active Young Republican” and “a Goldwater girl, right down to my cowgirl outfit.” As a politically attuned honor student, she must have known that Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators who joined Southern Democratic segregationists opposing the historic voting rights act of 1964 inspired by King.

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