The World According to Gore

Friday, July 18th, 2008 2:40 pm by Neal

We’ve already written on how high fuel and food prices prove that the Democrat’s global warming policies are having a resounding effect. Environmentalists are giddy at the prospect of cars rusting in driveways while family members huddle together in darkened houses to stay warm. Yes sir, this is the golden age of environmental progress. Don’t you love it?

The Investor’s Business Daily has a piece on the Goracle’s plan entitled Inconvenient Al. Will someone tell them to get with the program?

Gore’s speech turned out to be everything they’d feared. He set an impossibly ambitious target — all electricity in America to be generated from wind, sun and other non-fossil-fuel sources in 10 years — and proposed a carbon tax to help foot the bill. …

Gore seems blissfully unaware of these head winds. To the environmental left, that may be part of his charm. But it also shows a cavalier rejection of reality that promises to alienate many more Democrats, not to mention Republicans. Whatever one’s stand on global-warming science, the usual rules of democracy apply to the task of dealing with it.

As for the costs of Gore’s ideas, Yale economist William Nordhaus, in his well-regarded book “A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies,” ran a standard economic model to compare all the major global warming plans. Gore’s proposed solution was by far the worst, at a net cost of $21 trillion over 100 years.

It’s the height of stupidity to push plans that bludgeon millions of already-stressed consumers with even higher prices. It’s also unfair. The rich can sail along barely aware of carbon taxes or cap-and-trade costs. The poor cannot.

Democrats who grasp this reality this might well be wondering what people such as Gore are thinking. One thing is clear: Concern for the ordinary American has never seemed weaker in the ranks of hard-core greens.

For at least some of them, the economic pain felt by consumers is good if it gets them out of their cars, onto buses and trains, out of the suburbs and back into crowded central cities, leaving only the rich able to live an expansive life close to nature.

For most of us, that scenario sounds like regression to a poorer past. To the environmentalists who can’t get enough of Gore, it’s more like nirvana.

Note that it’s the rich whose lifestyles will be relatively unaffected by Al Gore’s plan to save the Earth from humans. Al Gore arrived in a caravan of limos to deliver his “let them eat cake” speech as a reminder to the rest of us that he has plenty of bread.

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