My Conversion to Radical Islam

Monday, September 18th, 2006 12:10 pm by Neal

Mike Adams is at it again: “My Conversion to Radical Islam”

Their pitch to me was different from the one I got as a Baptist. Rather than asking me what I planned to do with Jesus, they suddenly pointed their pistols at my head and demanded that I drop to my knees. Fearing a scene reminiscent of the one in Deliverance, I quickly gave my life to Allah. I’ve been a Muslim for nearly three days now. A happier and more peaceful man I’ve never been.

But, alas, my happiness turned to sorrow when I learned of your remarks regarding the great prophet Muhammad, founder of our religion of peace. Your quotation of an ancient text suggesting he was – and Islam is – “evil and inhuman” cannot be ignored. And the Vatican’s weak suggestion that you regret Muslims were offended by the remarks is no apology. Clearly, likeminded Muslims everywhere must respond immediately and disproportionately.

We are beginning our response by appealing directly to you. Our appeal takes the form of a demand that you apologize immediately – not through a spokesperson, but directly and publicly from the floor of the United Nations. If you do not follow our orders, we will hijack planes and fly them into the U.N. Headquarters in New York. You had better take us seriously. After all, we’ve done it before.

In the event that we must attack the U.N., you will be given another week to apologize. If you do not, we will storm the Vatican and take you hostage. You had better take us seriously. After all, we’ve done it before.

In the event that we must take you hostage, you will be given another week to apologize. If you do not, we will establish special rooms in the Vatican that we will use to gang rape your nuns. We will rape them repeatedly until you apologize. You had better take us seriously. After all, we’ve done it before.

In the event that we must gang rape your nuns, you will be given another week to apologize. If you do not, we will drive to Jacksonville, North Carolina to bomb a U.S. Marines barracks. You had better take us seriously. After all, we’ve done it before.

I look forward to your apology, Pope Benedict. And if anyone quotes your offensive quotations, I will slit his throat in the name of Islam. Praise to almighty Allah and death to those who deem us evil and inhuman.

Hah! Read the whole thing here.

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