No Science Here. Move Along.

Friday, September 14th, 2007 4:47 pm by Neal

Here’s your Friday afternoon global warming update, “US being hoodwinked into draconian climate policies:”

Imagine basing a country’s energy and economic policy on an incomplete, unproven theory — a theory based entirely on computer models in which one minor variable is considered the sole driver for the entire global climate system.

This is precisely what Al Gore, U.S. Senate environment committee chairman Barbara Boxer and others want their nation to do. They expect Americans to accept on blind faith the thesis that human carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are causing catastrophic climate change. Boxer, Gore and their allies readily resort to emotional bullying against anyone who dares question this dogma. Their pronouncements — Boxer’s juvenile “the American people have the will to slow, stop and reverse global warming” is a prime example – are merely displays of arrogance that expose their lack of basic science understanding (or their complete disrespect of public intelligence). The policies they advocate are wholly unjustified scientifically and have extraordinarily damaging economic implications for the developed world. …

Yet, much to the frustration of alarmists, solid scientific evidence continues to mount against the flawed notion that human CO2 emissions are a problem.

For instance, last month NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) made significant changes to their temperature records, downgrading the magnitude of recent rises. This was precipitated by discovery of errors in NASA methodologies by Canadian researcher Steve McIntyre, already well-know for his debunking of the now infamous ‘hockey stick’ temperature graph that was a fundamental pillar of the 2001 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report. …

Before McIntyre’s discovery, NASA considered 1998 the warmest year in the continental U.S.; now, as explained by Paul Driessen in Monday’s Canada Free Press, it is 1934, with 1998 second and 1921 third. When human production of CO2 was minimal, in the 1930’s, four of the 10 warmest years are now seen to have occurred. The past decade now includes only three of the ten warmest years. Will Gore withdraw An Inconvenient Truth pending necessary corrections?

A second ‘proof’ of human CO2-caused warming, according to the IPCC, was a claimed increase in global temperatures of about 1°F over 130 years. This was asserted to be outside natural variability. But the uncertainty in the measurements was over ±0.3°F, meaning possible values could vary by as much as 66% of the total change. The source of this temperature calculation, University of East Anglia’s Professor Phil Jones, has refused to disclose which temperature records were used and how he ‘adjusted’ them. Clearly, IPCC conclusions must be viewed with considerable suspicion until they provide full disclosure on the Jones data.

Computer models are the basis of all forecasts used by alarmists. And these models used temperature data that is now known to be suspect or completely wrong. Will Gore, Boxer and the IPCC call for a re-evaluation of the global warming scare. Don’t bet on it – accurate science was never a hallmark of this crusade.

NASA’s Hansen won’t release his data or models. Professor Jones refuses to disclose his data and his methodologies for ‘adjusting’ them. Whatever you want to call this garbage, it is not science. If other scientists aren’t allowed access to critical data and methods and, therefore, aren’t able to replicate or refute the findings, then science simply isn’t occurring. The fact that so many people don’t understand this speaks volumes on the decline of science education in the West.

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