Hey hey, ho ho, we support the PLO

Monday, August 14th, 2006 11:56 pm by Neal

Wow. This is really sick.

Check out hotair’s coverage of this past weekend’s pro-Hezbollah rallies.

First, Michelle and company sort out the relationships between ANSWER, the Muslim American Society, the International Action Center (IAC), and the Workers World Party (WWP). What a bunch of socialist, nut job comrades. Birds of a feather and all that.

With that outing of the organizers of the recent rallies, hotair then presents video from the hate-fests. Again, we have to mention and condemn the perverted exploitation of children in the furtherance of pro-Hezbollah propaganda — an increasingly commonplace tactic of these desperate freaks.

Thanks, Michelle, Allah, et al. for a great video on the supporters of Islamic fascism who are in our midst.


Toronto: More Home-Grown Terror
Hezbollah in Our Backyard

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